Black Licorice Diesel F1

Black Licorice Diesel started as a dream about ten years ago. It was just a name that popped into my head and has been keeping up space. Summer of 2O24 I took my annual pilgrimage to Vermont and in my travels around the state I found a cutting of verified ECSD that had been floating around the hills of Vermont for a couple decades and knew I had to have it in my stables. I took 2 rooted cuttings and sent 1 to Ohio with a friend and through certain avenues which I can neither confirm or deny, 1 appeared in Canada at my home shortly after. I have been keeping this cut safe and giving it out to any who really knows the history of this 3O year old cutting and would appreciate her and keep her out there in circulation. She is very hard to clone and not the fastest growing, probably long lost her vigor. But the sharp gasoline reek that comes off this plant reminds me of an old shell station. The absolute dongers of flowers this puts out… is ridiculous.   And So I threw down 45 seeds of my Thousand Oaks F2s for another project and found the best male of the bunch, something to compliment the gas and the diesel and reinvigorate the offspring. I did an open pollination on the Diesel. The only thing that could compliment a gassy plant like the diesel, and reinvigorate the offspring, could be the Thousand Oaks. With its deep Pinene and Myrcene content and burning rubber smell that seems to stick to everything added to the sharp gasoline smell of the legendary Diesel cut. 

 Oakland Purple Kush… The true Diesel.. The Joseph Og…   How can this trifecta not be a complete victory for the afficionado looking for that unmistakable weed that has heads turning in the stores at the unmistakable odors following you around in a ten foot radius. Like a blinking sign above your head that reads..   IM HOLDING.

  • THC / CBD:                       —
  • YIELD:                               —
  • SKILL:                               —
  • FLOWERTIME:                 —