A word on tester seeds…

At Omuerta we give our family tester seeds with every purchase. This not only adds value to your dollar and entices new customers to trust us with a promise of extra seeds, but also lets these valuable seeds land in the hands of people we trust. Tester seeds used to be sent out to who ever asked for them and over the years they were hoarded, traded and even resold by unscrupulous people looking to make a buck. This cost us time in research and development as well as money in postage to basically never hear from the majority of people again.

In 2014 It was decided Omuerta Genetix would stop sending out free testers by email request and ship testers with purchases. The results have been incredible with some choosing to even grow out the testers before their purchase! You never know what will be in that bag when you open it… But it will come with some free packaged tester seeds as our thank-you to you.


Testers are given out with a codec at random. Once you grow out the coded strains and send us in pictures of your grow and the flowering plants, we will trade you the codec information and you will be FIRST on your block to have the newest gear from Omuerta, or a oneshot.

(We are ALWAYS working!)