Omuerta Genetix seeds are bred 100% ProBiotically ensuring a healthy and vigorous start to life. The parents are raised 100% Probiotically and organically making sure they are free from chelated nutrients and salts before they are ever stabled as producers for our stock. Our stock is then tested by real world growers in a variety of real world applications. To help you have a successful germination of Omuerta Genetix seeds; I have compiled the way I myself like to germinate Cannabis seeds. –O.G

Let’s begin with water… water sources can be tap water or purified water tap water actually does have benefits in the additives from your city water to aid in the germination and softening of the seeds shell.

PH should be at 5.5 for cloning and seed germination as a basic rule of thumb.
I have used the glass of water soaking method and I do not like it as it submerges the seeds and water logs them to soften the shell to split, however it does this with NO OXYGEN which can suffocate your seeds sprout once cracked.

The Omuerta Method has been tried tested and proven to work.

In a glass of tap water Ph’d to 5.5 I add a few drops of willow or aloe extract. If none can be found I use a few drops of 5000 ppm root stimulant liquid. Mix in to water at lukewarm temperature and let sit for a few minutes. I then take high quality paper towel and fold it in quarters and dip one corner up to half way into the glass or cup and pull it out. I then work that water through the whole paper towel, sometimes a second quick dip is needed if it’s a really absorbent brand. You don’t want it soaked to the point of runoff water.

Omuerta Genetix advises you germinate 2/3 of our 10 pack of regular sex seeds to find that special keeper phenotype or mother plant and store the rest for later as we are very confident in the quality of our seeds and male to female ratios. Place the seeds spaced out on one half of the now wet and quartered paper towel and fold over once. You should now have about a 3” line of folded damp paper towel with 4 layers on the bottom and 4 layers lying on top like a pea pod. I tamp gently down on the top so all sides of seeds are in contact with paper towel and place on a plate before covering with cling wrap. Don’t forget to label the strains and date on stickers so you know which strain is which.

Place plate with germinating seeds in a warm dark spot, above a refrigerator is a great spot as the radiant heat will keep the plate at a constant 80* temperature. We advise you begin to check your Omuerta Genetix seeds at about 48 hrs and you should start seeing the tap roots emerging.
Once tap root is 1” long transplanting into the medium of your choice can then be done. Root downward and shell slightly buried by loose soil or pushed into Rockwool cube if growing hydroponically. You will want the light if using hps or mh far enough away so no burning occurs. If using a T5 light you want it very close to the seeds ( I recommend about 3” from the tops as they grow into seedling stage).

Our seeds are bred by Probiotics which gives them a resistance to pathogens and makes them grow healthier and more vigorously as well as stronger than other seed companies. We have chosen to grow and breed this way not only for the quality of our product, but for the benefit of the Earth and our waste or run off. Where chemical growers load our ecosystem with salts and other chemicals, Omuerta Genetix practices a breeding and growing technique that’s run off or waste is actually repairing the damage to our earth and making old grounds newly fertile for life again and existing life benefits as well.

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