Over the years Omuerta Genetix has paved the way in how we do things. From our transparent project models, giving back to our loyal soldierz and giving you more for less.
We have pioneered holding breeders to a higher standard. As growers and lovers of all genetics ourselves, this means testing everything before it is ever offered to the general publc and not nickel and diming our clients to death when they WANT to support our brand.
This way of thinking has always been how Omuerta has operated. And so, in 2o18, we began offering Boxsets of each years release at a wholesale cost to clients. This allowed for you to collect every strain Omuerta Genetix released that season at distributors cost, in a single set.
However due to some strains going out of stock and some not returning, some changes have had to be made in order to stay up to date on the stock we have to offer you.
Green Boxset contains a mix of strains for the Citrus and Floral lover.
These are strains selected for those wishing for a higher concentration of Limonene, Caryophyllene and Terpinolene. These are the flavanoids and terpenes that are responsible for fruity or flowery tasting Cannabis.
Firecreek Og F5
72 Virgins F5
Gunners Gift F2
Looper F2
Ztarfighter F3
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